SOGHIN hold her 12th Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Nigeria between 9th and 12th July 2019.
The theme of the conference is Jaundice: Raising the Standard of Management in Nigeria.
The sub-themes are:
- Role of ERCP in the Management of Jaundice.
- Minimal access procedures: Current Status in Nigeria.
- Gastrointestinal Pathology in Nigeria: The Challenges and Prospects.
Abstracts from researchers are invited from all areas of Gastroenterology and related fields.
The entire abstract must be in Microsoft word and must not be more than 300 words. It must be in Times New Roman font and size 12.
Abstracts are to be submitted under the following headings
- Title/Name(s) of authors/Center of Study. The name of presenting author should be in bold font
- Background/Introduction.
- Aims and Objectives.
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion
The name, email address and phone number of a contact person should be displayed at the bottom of the page.
The Deadline for abstract submission is 30th of April 2019. All abstracts are to be submitted as e-mail attachments and sent to any of the addresses on the below:
- The Secretary of the scientific committee’s email: oasowande@gmail.com
- Assistant’s secretary’s email: emmanuelobasi8@gmail.com
- The LOC email: Ifesoghin2019@gmail.com
9th – 10th July, 2019
Obafemi Awolowo University
Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Monday 8th July, 2019
Arrival of delegates
Tuesday 9th July, 2019
8:00am-5:00pm: Hands-on-workshops
5:00pm-6:00pm: Sight Seeing
Wednesday 10th July, 2019
08:00am – 05:00pm: Hands-on workshops
05:00pm – 06:00pm: Sight seeing
06:00pm – Cocktail party for the workshop attendees and arriving conference delegates
Hands-on workshops will include parallel sessions on GI pathology, basic endoscopy, advanced endoscopy, minimal access surgeries and Nurses training
MAIN CONFERENCE: 11th – 12th July, 2019
Main Auditorium, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC),
Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Thursday 11th July, 2019
07:00am – 08:00am: Registration of delegates
08:00am -10:00am: Oral abstract presentations (1st Session) 10:00am – 10:30am: Tea Break
10.30am – 01:00pm: Opening ceremony and Guest lecture 01:00am – 02.00pm: Lunch
02:00am – 02:45pm: State of the art Lecture 02.45pm – 04:30pm: Symposium
06:30 pm – Gala night and dinner
Friday 12th July, 2019
08:00am – 10:00am: Oral abstract presentations (2nd Session) 10:00am – 10:30am: Plenary
10:30am – 11:00am: Tea break
11:00am – 01:00pm: Break out/parallel sessions 01:00pm – 02:00pm: Lunch
02:00pm – 02:30pm: Product presentations 02:30pm – 03:30p.m: Tourism
03:30pm: Annual General Meeting
Pre-Conference Fees: (Early Bird ends on May 31st, 2019)
Members – N25,000 Early bird – N20,000
Associate Members -N18,500 Early bird – N15,000
Nurses -N12,000 Early bird -N10,000
Others – N25,000 Early bird – N20,000
Conference Fees (Early Bird ends on May 31st, 2019)
Fellows – N30,000 Early bird – N25,000
Residents – N15,000 Early bird – N12,500
Nurses – N10,000 Early bird – N8,000
Other Doctors – N25,000 Early bird – N20,000